Legal Benefits ProgramThe RIASP legal plan protects members by combining RIASP coverage with coverage provided by NAESP and NASSP. RIASP coverage comes in three forms: First Call Service, Contract Consultation and Legal Assistance. To be eligible, you must have been a member in good standing at the time of the occurrence requiring legal assistance and a RIASP member for at least six months. Coverage is not automatic. When legal service is requested, RIASP will determine whether or not legal services will be provided as well as the extent and duration of the assistance. | ![]() For more details, click here or contact RIASP. |
First Call ServiceFirst Call Service provides members who have a job-related legal question with the opportunity to consult with a RIASP lawyer. Typically, one phone consultation is enough to guide most principals through most situations; generally, the cost of additional legal services will be the responsibility of the member. First Call Service must be authorized by the RIASP Executive Director prior to the commencement of legal services. | Contract ConsultationRIASP's Contract Consultation Service may provide a local administrators' association with up to $250 for legal consultation and/or representation by an attorney. This coverage may be applied to the cost of consultations with a school committee or to resolve a conflict related to a district agreement. Again, this service requires the prior approval of the Executive Director. Please note: to be eligible, all principals in the school system must be RIASP members, and no district will be eligible for contract assistance two years in a row. |
Legal AssistanceThe Legal Assistance Program provides protection to individual members under three circumstances. First, when administrative positions are jeopardized by the actions of the superintendent or the school committee through: a) an unfavorable evaluation, b) a letter of reprimand, c) a suspension or dismissal, and/or d) the threat of contract non-renewal. Second, when a member is assaulted as a result of his/her performance of official administrative duties. Third, when a member is charged criminally as a result of actions arising during the performance of job responsibilities. However, coverage will not be provided if the member is found guilty. | Legal Protection from NAESP and NASSPBoth national principals' associations offer legal coverage, and a brief description of their legal plans is provided here. For more detailed information, it is recommended that you refer to the respective association websites. The National Association of Elementary School Principals provides NAESP members with up to $2,000,000 for individual professional liability and up to $10,000 for legal fees for job-protection defense claims following a $500 deductible. This legal benefits program may be utilized only after all other insurance policies (local school district policy or state professional association plan, for example) have been used. NASSP also provides a $50,000 accidental death policy. The amount of legal benefits is determined by the number of continuous years of membership in RIASP/NAESP. The National Association of Secondary School Principals provides members with up to $2,000,000 in personal liability protection for civil cases that arise from actions taken against principals in their capacities as school administrators. Additionally, members may receive up to $10,000 reimbursement for legal expenses in criminal actions arising from acts occurring in their professional capacity as principals provided the member is exonerated of all charges. Other limitations and exemptions may apply. The amount of legal benefits is determined by the number of continuous years of membership in RIASP/NASSP. |